Author Archive | Christine Thompson
Male black and white puppy
Male black and white puppy
Good job Little Anne!
Little Anne is a devoted and wonderful mother. She is eating and drinking a lot, that helps her milk come in faster!
Little Anne delivered five beautiful puppies the evening of March 30th, 2014! There are four males and one female. Two of the males appear to be black and white (sometimes brown appears after a few days and then they would be classified as tri-color) and the other two males and the female are tri-color. The first male arrived at 5:26 pm. Then came three more males and the female was last to arrive at 8:49 pm. They are all nursing and doing well. The puppies are named fro the book The Giant Carrot by Jan Peck, illustrated by Barry Root. The puppies are named Rootbeer, Joey, Abel, Peck, and Bess.